Our fish farm is located in the beautiful valley near the river NOTEC (not far away from the main road 180 between Pila and Trzcianka in the federal state of Wielkopolska, community Czamkowsko-Trzcianecki and town Lomnica).
The tributary river Lomnica runs through our 87 hectare land. The first-class water quality is ideal for our ecologically led company.
Regarding our breeding of fish, we place the highest value on ecologically perfect quality and at the same time on excellent flavour. It goes without saying that the production is carried out in accordance with the highest hygiene measures taking fully into account any environmentally-friendly directives.
The company Aquabiofarm A. Checinski sp. j has continuously received since 25.12.2012 – as a fish farm in Poland – the international quality certificate regarding highest standards in environmental protection and hygiene (BCBC certificate). This certificate refers to the quality of freshwater fish breeding.
Our research work across many years and studies of leading fish companies in Poland and Europe, and the establishment of many valuable contacts enabled us to establish a modern fish company with the use of the worldwide latest technology. We feel very proud of that.
Aquabiofarm works with ecological up-to-date technology. The co-operation with selected feed manufacturers worldwide makes us optimistic that we can very soon join the elite of fish companies in Europe.
In addition, we are supported by: Sektorowy Program Operacyjny (Rybolostwo i przetworstwo ryb 2004-2006 oraz Zrównoważony rozwój sektora rybołówstwa i nadbrzeżnych obszarów rybackich 2007-2013). This are programs of the European Union.
Since June 2018, our company has expanded its production program by a new breeding line, namely breeding of chars (Salvelinus). These chars (Salvelinus) are a genus of the salmonids family.
What is our objective? „Quality – not quantity”. It is true, you pay a bit more for a qualitative excellent product, but we do want to be compared with the BEST – not with the BIGGEST!
The tributary river Lomnica runs through our 87 hectare land. The first-class water quality is ideal for our ecologically led company
Continuously received – the international quality certificate regarding highest standards in environmental protection and hygiene (BCBC certificate)
Regarding our breeding of fish, we place the highest value on ecologically perfect quality and at the same time on excellent flavour
Our research work and contacts enabled us to establish a modern fish company with the use of the worldwide latest technology
Aquabiofarm works with ecological up-to-date technology and selected feed manufacturers worldwide
We co-operate accros many years with many leading fish companies in Poland and Europe

Since June 2018, our company has expanded its production program by a new breeding line
namely breeding of chars (Salvelinus). These chars (Salvelinus) are a genus of the salmonids family.
What is our objective? „Quality – not quantity”
It is true, you pay a bit more for a qualitative excellent product, but we do want to be compared with the BEST – not with the BIGGEST!
hectare land
breeding lines
species of fish
AQUABIOFARM A.Checinski Sp.j.
Łomnica Młyn 3,
64-980 Trzcianka
A. Chęciński Sp. j.
Łomnica Młyn 3
64-980 Trzcianka
693 213 015
NIP 7632126101; PL7632126101
Regon 302151685
Numer weterynaryjny: 30029211; 30029222
KRS/Handelsregister – KRS: 0000466796